'Sopranos' Cast Today
'Sopranos' Cast Today
'Sopranos' Cast Today
Back in 1999, the world was introduced to arguably the best TV show ever created. Set primarily in New Jersey, 'The Sopranos' explored the story of mobster Tony Soprano, a man attempting to keep his home life, as well as his mental state, intact in a profession where a bullet could come flying around any corner.
Benedict Cumberbatch Gets a Clue on Sesame Street
Benedict Cumberbatch Gets a Clue on Sesame Street
Benedict Cumberbatch Gets a Clue on Sesame Street
Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays the super-sleuth Sherlock Holmes, was recently in a video for 'Sesame Street' with his arch-nemesis... Murray-arty? So maybe Murray isn't the criminal mastermind and intellectual equal who always seems to test Sherlock, but he does provide Cumberbatch with a nice, easy problem to solve...

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