Nightmare Restaurant From ‘Kitchen Nightmares’ Has Epic Facebook Meltdown
In all the years he's been doing 'Kitchen Nightmares' (in the US at least), Gordon Ramsey never quit on a client. Until he went to Amy's Baking Company in Arizona. Those people were horrible. Taking waitstaff tips, screaming, firing people -- they genuinely are the worst. Unfortunately, they didn't take learning that fact very well.
After their Yelp page was inundated with 1-star reviews, the owners of Amy's Baking Company lashed out on their Facebook page in what has to be one of the most extreme public meltdowns we've ever seen. (The owners are now saying that they were hacked. Ahem.) Here are just a few of the things they posted. (You can see the rest of the NSFW rant here along with the episode.)
Amy's Baking Meltdown 1
Amys Baking Meltdown
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