Martha Stewart Gears Up for Annual Halloween Special [PHOTOS]
Every October, domestic goddess Martha Stewart takes a break from folding napkins into peacocks and instead turns her attention to Halloween, a holiday she adores.
She not only does an elaborate themed issue of her magazine, she tapes a television special as well -- and this year, she's creating a spooky maze from ordinary lawn decorations and showing us how to turn a simple two-car garage into a haunted house. The behind-the-scenes photos from her special are a real treat for fans.
The Halloween special, 'Martha Stewart's Haunted House,' premieres on Monday, October 24, at 8 p.m. on the Hallmark Channel -- but just to get you in the mood, we're including a few of our favorite photos from a behind-the-scenes shoot Stewart featured on her blog.
Need some creepy eyeballs? Martha gets hers from old dolls.
Learn to create authentic-looking headstones for a faux cemetery.
A pumpkin etching that also doubles as an anatomy lesson.
We don't even want to know what's in those jars (pickled parakeet?) but we do know Martha says a few drops of iodine will make the water look murky and dirty.
[via TheMarthaBlog]