Long John Silver’s Now Serving ‘Worst’ Meal in America
Long John Silver's newest menu addition has been branded the "Worst Restaurant Meal in America" by the Center for Science in the Public Interest.
The meal in question is a slab of haddock, which, at first glance, appears to be a relatively healthy option. However, Long John Silver seems to have gone out of its way to make the fish as unhealthy as humanly possible.
The haddock in question is smothered in three ounces of breading before being deep fried, essentially transforming what you are consuming into oil and breadcrumbs garnished with a sprinkling of fish. This fat-in-a-basket comes with fried hush puppies and onion rings which, like the fish, are cooked in partially hydrogenated frying oil. According to CSPI, this oil is the source of the majority of the meal's 33 grams of trans fat.
The American Heart Association recommends a maximum of two grams of trans fat per day, meaning that this cheap, $4.99 ‘Big Catch, Big Value' meal accounts for two weeks' worth of trans fat.
With over one-third (34.6%) of U.S. adults said to be obese, Louisville-based Long John Silver seems to have tapped into a growing market. Trans fats, also known as partially hydrogenated oils, have a direct link to heart disease. The vast majority of American restaurants have desisted from using them, instead seeking other alternatives. Trans fats have even been made illegal in some states, such as California.
In a press release, CPSI's executive director, Michael F. Jacobson, said, "Long John Silver’s Big Catch meal deserves to be buried 20,000 leagues under the sea. This company is taking perfectly healthy fish and entombing it in a thick crust of batter and partially hydrogenated oil. Instead of the Big Catch, I’d call it America’s Deadliest Catch.”
In defense of their 1,350 calorie option, the restaurant chain has argued that they offer "a variety of meal choices including baked fish and shrimp that can satisfy almost every diner’s dietary choices.”
With 19 grams of saturated fat and 3,700 milligrams of sodium on top of the 33 grams of partially hydrogenated oils, this limited edition meal can satisfy every diner's heart attack requirements as well.