Here’s What Lady Gaga Will Look Like on ‘The Simpsons’
Ever since it was announced that Lady Gaga would be featured on the season finale of ‘The Simpsons,’ we’ve been dying to see what they would have her do. And, of course, what they would have her wear. If you have too, now is your chance.
This week, Fox released a brief clip of the final episode of Season 23 featuring Gaga. And, in the 30 glorious seconds we get to see, “Lady Zsa Zsa,” as Grandpa calls her, wears four different outfits. That’s a good start on the 18 outfits that sources say she’ll be seen in during the actual episode.
In the promo alone we see her meat dress, a dress made entirely of blue birds, a bikini paired with thigh-high platforms and a fire-shooting cone bra. If you tune into the show on Sunday, May 20th on Fox, it’s rumored you’ll get to see the animated Gaga in even more outrageous get-ups, which seems just about right to us.
Check out the sneak peek below and see Maggie in her own Gaga outfit with pacifier nipples (that's just wrong) and Homer chowing down on the meat dress, of course. All we can say is that after this episode, Lisa’s not the only one who will be going gaga for Gaga (and also going vegetarian).
[via PopCrush]