North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-Un Takes Over Gangnam Style
The video for the PSY song 'Gangnam Style' now has over 250 million views on YouTube and is the most "liked" clip in the video-sharing site's history. All this attention on the dance tune has really put K-pop and South Korea in the spotlight. This isn't sitting well with Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea. So, the dictator's recorded his own take on 'Gangnam Style,' called 'Kim Jong Style.'
Of course, he didn't really do this: it's actually a spoof from the folks at Barely Political. But if Jong-un is going to live up to the legacy of his notorious father, Kim Jong-il, he really ought to start pulling stunts like this.
If he ever did, he'd surely try to present North Korea in a better light than 'Kim Jong Style' does. While it's funny how the video highlights the bleakness of life on the north side of the Korean peninsula, it's also pretty tragic when you really think about it.