Hilarious Celebrity ‘Makeunders’ Bring Stars Down to Our Level
These funny Photoshop manipulations are one better than "stars without makeup" photos. They aren't just celebrities without makeup -- they're celebrities without stylists, personal chefs or trainers, or expensive clothes. We call it 'Extreme Makeunder: Celebrity Edition.'
They're all available on a Facebook page called "Planet Hiltron." Here are a few we like. Check out the rest here.
Britney Spears
Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwyneth Paltrow
Hillary Duff
Hillary Dugg
John Travolta
John Travolta
Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp
Jessica Simpson
Jessica Simpson
Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez
Olsen Twins
Olsen Twins
Sarah Jessica Parker
Sarah Jessica Parker
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga
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