Cutest Elvis Impersonator Ever Becomes Viral Hit With ‘Jailhouse Rock’ Dance
William Stokkebroe is 2 years old and loves Elvis Presley. So much so, in fact, that after watching his parents Kristina and Peter dance professionally for the past couple years, he felt the need to unleash his own boogie routine to 'Jailhouse Rock' on the dance floor.
Long story short, he's now one of the cutest viral video stars of today.
As you can see, he is one natural performer.. It is true that he doesn't have the "King of Rock and Roll's" signature hip-swivel down just yet, but what he can do is much cuter... and the ladies love it.
Somebody needs to get this little guy some blue suede shoes and an agent, fast, 'cause he's gonna give Sophia Grace and Rosie a run for their theoretical YouTube dollars.
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