Weird News

How Big Can Lego go?
How Big Can Lego go?
How Big Can Lego go?
Although it's something we've never wondered ourselves, engineers at Open University in the UK recently discovered how high a LEGO tower can go before the bricks at the bottom are crushed under the weight. Here's a hint -- it's pretty darn high.
‘Walking Dead’ Popularity Prompts Spike in Gun Sales
‘Walking Dead’ Popularity Prompts Spike in Gun Sales
‘Walking Dead’ Popularity Prompts Spike in Gun Sales
On the one hand, a lot of people are going to be prepared for a zombie apocalypse in case that ever happens. On the other hand, a lot of people out there are buying guns to protect themselves from zombies. According to a gun rights advocate as well as a gun store owner, people are preparing themselves for the zombie apocalypse with guns and ammo.
Insurance Company Declares Living Man Dead
Insurance Company Declares Living Man Dead
Insurance Company Declares Living Man Dead
George Johannesen is very much alive. Which is why it was so surprising when the Canadian man received a letter addressed "To the Estate of George Johannesen." Even more surprising is that it came from his insurance company, who should really be on top of such things.
Worst Crook Ever?
Worst Crook Ever?
Worst Crook Ever?
After robbing a bank, most criminals will try to lay low for a period of time. Not 19-year-old Hannah Sabata. The Stromsburg, Nebraska teen wanted to get credit for her ability to knock over a local bank for over $6,000 and also make off with a Pontiac Grand Am that didn't belong to her.
Catholic Church Creates Exorcism Hotline
Catholic Church Creates Exorcism Hotline
Catholic Church Creates Exorcism Hotline
Have you ever found yourself battling a demon but couldn't easily locate a priest to help with an exorcism? Well, the Catholic diocese of Milan is here to help with a special exorcism hotline, which will quickly dispatch a priest to deal with the unclean spirit. Finally, an answer to the question, "Who ya gonna call?"
Dolphin Attack
Dolphin Attack
Dolphin Attack
The scene started out innocently enough. A group of children at SeaWorld were feeding dolphins, who all look quite adorable as they poke their heads out of the water to grab their snacks. But suddenly things took a dark turn.
Do Unicorns Exist?
Do Unicorns Exist?
Do Unicorns Exist?
In news that will delight fans of mythical creatures everywhere, North Korea claims to have found the burial site of a unicorn supposedly ridden by King Dongmyeong, the founding monarch of the ancient kingdom of Goguryeo. No word yet on when the Communist dictatorship expects to confirm the existence of Bigfoot or little green men.
Nose Ring Found in Burrito
Nose Ring Found in Burrito
Nose Ring Found in Burrito
Good news/bad news. The good news is we found your nose ring!! The bad news is that it was in somebody's McDonald's breakfast burrito in Lawrenceville, Georgia. So we might not be eating another one of those for a while, because yuck.
His Holyness Joins Twitter
His Holyness Joins Twitter
His Holyness Joins Twitter
Pope Benedict XVI may be the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church with a tradition dating back more than 2,000 years, but that doesn't mean he's not up on the latest technology. In fact, the Vatican recently revealed the pope's Twitter handle and said that he'll start tweeting to followers on Dec. 12.
Bazooka No!
Bazooka No!
Bazooka No!
After almost sixty years, Bazooka Joe is being put out to pasture: The bubble gum will no longer feature the little comic strips that pretty much defined the brand.
Arizona School Uses Holding Hands as Punishment
Arizona School Uses Holding Hands as Punishment
Arizona School Uses Holding Hands as Punishment
Two Arizona teenagers faced a choice after getting into a fight at Westwood High in Mesa: They could either be suspended for nine days ... or hold hands in front of everybody. Obviously, they chose the latter, and now the school is catching flak for it.
Reward Backfire
Reward Backfire
Reward Backfire
Ryan Leslie is a record producer, songwriter and occasional rapper. He composes his songs on his laptop. So when he lost the computer in Cologne, Germany back in 2010 he had a big problem, since there were several unreleased tracks on the hard drive. Leslie offered a $20,000 reward for the laptop's return. When that didn't work, he made a YouTube video in which he upped the reward to one million d
Lion, Oh My!
Lion, Oh My!
Lion, Oh My!
Here in the United States, a kid might spot a turtle during their walk to school. And if he or she is the curious sort, they might pick it up and bring it in for show-and-tell. Things are little different in Russia, where apparently lions roam free. School children in a Southern Russian village ran into one of these beasts -- a cub -- and brought the furball in to their teacher.

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