
Tina Fey With Cats -- Your New Favorite Tumblr
Tina Fey With Cats -- Your New Favorite Tumblr
Tina Fey With Cats -- Your New Favorite Tumblr
Chances are you love Tina Fey and cats. Well, this Tumblr is both at once. It stands to reason therefore, that you will double-love Tina Fey With a Cat, because that's how emotions work. It is pictures of Tina Fey, with cats Photoshopped in. Seems pretty simple. It is still a delight, however. Here are a few choice pics:
 Beyonce's New Short Haircut Looks Awfully Familiar
Beyonce's New Short Haircut Looks Awfully Familiar
Beyonce's New Short Haircut Looks Awfully Familiar
So Beyonce chopped off all her hair, took a selfie and put it on Instagram -- we think there's something a little funny about it. Although Beyonce looks great with short hair (of course she does), we couldn't help thinking that maybe ... just maybe ... if she loses her temper her family better watch out. See what we mean below.
How People Are Preparing for the Return of 'Breaking Bad'
How People Are Preparing for the Return of 'Breaking Bad'
How People Are Preparing for the Return of 'Breaking Bad'
The triumphant (and final) return of 'Breaking Bad' this Sunday, August 11, has gotten people all jazzed up and doing strange things. Some of our friends are throwing parties. Others refuse to let anyone into their homes. People without cable have sworn off Facebook from Sunday until they get a chance to watch the show. It's insanity. Here's how people are preparing themselves.
12 Clever 'Lost' Posters We Wish Were Serious
12 Clever 'Lost' Posters We Wish Were Serious
12 Clever 'Lost' Posters We Wish Were Serious
"Lost" posters are usually pretty sad, because an adorable little puppy ran away or a kitten went missing. Ughh, it's awful. But the good news is we're not talking about that sort of stuff. In fact, we've scoped out lost notices that are really clever and don't make us think about a child crying somewhere because his parakeet, Corporal Jenkins, has gone missing.
Here’s a Cat Dressed As a Shark, Riding a Roomba
Here’s a Cat Dressed As a Shark, Riding a Roomba
Here’s a Cat Dressed As a Shark, Riding a Roomba
Since it's Shark Week, here's a video of a cat dressed as a shark riding a Roomba. We know what you're thinking, yes this IS that cat dressed as a shark riding a Roomba that chased that duck around last year. This time, though, there's more awesome SharkCat action to enjoy, so we'll share this video with you.

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