
Baby Animal Alert!
Baby Animal Alert!
Baby Animal Alert!
When it comes to showcasing adorably tiny animals, we usually stick to puppies or kittens or the occasional piglets with people clothes. It's just a standard go-to that never fails to brighten our days or make us "aww!" for hours. Of course these furballs are great and all, but did you know there's a whole other world out there of small animals? Ones you've probably never seen in miniatu
The Best Adventure Time GIFs
The Best Adventure Time GIFs
The Best Adventure Time GIFs
"Hey," you may be asking yourself, "what should I be doing right now?" The answer is looking at 'Adventure Time' GIFs. Cartoon Network's hit show will fill you with magical sparkle feelings. They are like kitten pictures, only they move and don't make you try to remember whether or not you took your allergy medicine this morning. They are, in a word, mathematical. Enjoy! Read M
Pugs Gone Wild
Pugs Gone Wild
Pugs Gone Wild
Pugs are some of the funniest pups around. For starters, they have a knack for eating peanut butter and dressing up like Avengers. The bulging eyes, heavy breathing, tongue hanging out-- they can't help but look hilariously adorable no matter what the situation.
Best Friends Forever
Best Friends Forever
Best Friends Forever
Puppies and babies top our list of the cutest things in the entire world. They're both pint-size bundles of adorableness that instantly distract us in any given situation (see: tiny puppies or videos of munchkins). But did you know there's something out there even better than said distractions? Even more charming than dogs or tots? Well there is, and it comes in the form of babies being best frien
Cuteness Alert!
Cuteness Alert!
Cuteness Alert!
We recently presented you with quite possibly the most adorable group of pictures, ever. They were miniature, furry nuggets of cuteness that would be extremely difficult to top in the miniature, furry nuggets of cuteness category-- tiny dogs. Could it get any better?! Answer: y-e-s. America, we'd like to share with you our latest discovery-- tiny cats.
Facebook For Cats
Facebook For Cats
Facebook For Cats
Grumpy Cat will soon have a new place to post about how unhappy she is. Matthew Phiong and Koekoe Loo Wan Koe, two enterprising men from Malaysia, have launched a new social media networking site for felines and the humans who love them, called Catmoji.
Doritos Crashes the Super Bowl
Doritos Crashes the Super Bowl
Doritos Crashes the Super Bowl
For the past seven years, Doritos has sponsored a 'Crash The Super Bowl' contest in which amateur ad-makers compete to have their 30 second spots for the tortilla chips played during the big game. For 2013's Super Bowl commercial, the competition is fierce.
Bad Hair Day
Bad Hair Day
Bad Hair Day
If you know anything about us here at TheFW, it's that we love any sort of furball, particularly those of the adorable variety. Tiny dogs, piglets in people clothes, you name it-- we're fans. There are also times when we sort of feel bad for our fellow animals. This is especially true when unfortunate haircuts are involved.
Dogs With Eyebrows
Dogs With Eyebrows
Dogs With Eyebrows
One of the best things about our pets (and animals in general) is that they have zero insight as to how cute and hilarious they actually are. They're adorably compliant too, like when we feel like dressing up cats in couture clothes or puppies in 'Star Wars' costumes. It's just what embarrassing pet owners do. If you're a fellow fan of said shenanigans, we have some fantastic news-- doggy eyebrows
Cutest Tiny Dogs Ever
Cutest Tiny Dogs Ever
Cutest Tiny Dogs Ever
We're huge suckers for anything involving puppies, like skateboarding Santa dogs or Star Wars pups. (Come on-- how could you not be?!) We're equally obsessed with anything in miniature form. So what happens when the two are combined? Holy moly cuteness, that's what!
Babies Vs. Birthday Cake
Babies Vs. Birthday Cake
Babies Vs. Birthday Cake
Babies can pull off the funniest stuff and still make it look ridiculously cute. Take the 'Evil Baby' meme, for example. How is the munchkin so mean yet so adorable?! It's a little annoying, because there's no way we could get away with those sorts of shenanigans. They can party well into the night, go a little too hard and still-- C-U-T-E!
Baby Is Just As Confused By Roomba As We Are
Baby Is Just As Confused By Roomba As We Are
Baby Is Just As Confused By Roomba As We Are
Babies don't have to be laughing to be cute. This one is just very confused, and it's working for her. To be fair, she has every right to be confused -- her parents stuck her on a robot that is carting her around her living room. Babies don't understand Roombas...
Meet the Old Money Dogs
Meet the Old Money Dogs
Meet the Old Money Dogs
Old Money Dog took off about two weeks ago on Reddit, providing an opportunity to make jokes about how rich animals are still animals for people who prefer dogs to the Aristocat. In simple words, there are a lot of jokes about how dogs like to eat their own refuse.
Sad Snow Dogs
Sad Snow Dogs
Sad Snow Dogs
Snow is one of the greatest inventions of good ol' Mother Nature. Sure it can be a pain sometimes, but the stuff is also really cool! Take making awesome snowmen, for example. Can you do that with rain? Wind? Sunshine? No, because snow rules.

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