
The end is nigh!
The end is nigh!
The end is nigh!
We've always known mankind's days were numbered. We just figured our eventual end would be at the hands of robots or our own hubris. We didn't think it would be like this.
11 Surf Dogs Ready to Catch Some Waves
11 Surf Dogs Ready to Catch Some Waves
11 Surf Dogs Ready to Catch Some Waves
We already know pups are super talented, especially when it comes to things like getting all "derpy" in photos or wearing pantyhose. You know-- the usual. But, like us, you might've been totally oblivious to the fact that dogs are also really into the surfing scene.
Animals in Casts
Animals in Casts
Animals in Casts
To be clear, we do not take delight in the misfortune of these poor animals. We are merely taking delight in HOW CUTE THEIR LITTLE CASTS ARE! Agh! Give in and take a look. We pretty much guarantee you will be cheered up. And who doesn't need cheering up on a Monday?
Kanye Puppy Remix
Kanye Puppy Remix
Kanye Puppy Remix
Whether you love or hate Kanye's new album 'Yeezus' (or haven't heard it yet because it hasn't *technically* been released), you're going to love this track. It's the "I Am a Dog" remix of 'I Am a God.'
Dogs in Cars
Dogs in Cars
Dogs in Cars
Hey, is it a rainy, miserable day where you are too? No? Then get off the internet and enjoy the sun for those less fortunate. For the rest of us, here's this video of dogs hanging their heads out of a car window.
Weird Horse Tweets
Weird Horse Tweets
Weird Horse Tweets
We're not positive when this meme started, but some nincompoop (or nincompoops) had the bright idea of tweeting as top thoroughbred horses on Twitter -- i.e. taking on the personality of the horse and tweeting updates from the apparently 13-year-old girl-esque equine point of view. Frankly, it makes the Bronx Zoo Cobra meme look like Stephen Hawking.
Porcupine Cuteness
Porcupine Cuteness
Porcupine Cuteness
Here at TheFW, we have a special talent for scoping out all things adorable. You know, like moths and little Darth Vaders. It's the sort of stuff that just brightens the heck out of our days. Today we'd like to share with you another find that fits this bill-- cute porcupines.
Doritos Deer
Doritos Deer
Doritos Deer
If you need proof that everyone loves Doritos, look no further than this: a deputy in the Florida Keys recently rescued an endangered species of deer that had a bag of the snack food stuck on its head. Unfortunately, we'll have to speculate whether the deer prefers classic flavor or Cool Ranch.

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