Ingenious College Student Drives Around in a Barbie Jeep After Getting a DUI
Never let a little thing like a suspended license keep you from getting where you need to go.
In this case, for 20-year-old Tara Monroe, that means zipping around the Texas State University campus in San Marcos -- by way of a 12-volt-battery-powered Barbie Jeep. Yeah, the toy car made for toddlers.
Monroe failed a DUI test following a concert, which led to her license suspension. It's a pretty creative solution for this industrial engineering major, who's become a campus-wide (and now internet) sensation. You might think an easy solution would be to ride a bike, but Monroe scoffed at that idea. "Riding a bike around campus sucks," she said. "Like, really sucks." Like totally.
Monroe named the pink micro-mini-SUV Charlene, after the 6-year-old who sold it to her on Craigslist. (We swear we're not making this up.) Charlene can get all the way up to 5 miles per hour if Monroe floors it. Kind of impressive if you think about it. So how does Monroe feel about her latest life decision?
“It was the best decision I’ve made in college, yet,” she said.
The sky's the limit for this young woman.
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