Banana Joe is a painfully cute black affenpinscher, a Dutch breed known for perfectly engineered fluffiness. He's been compared to an Ewok, a teddy bear and is being called a "monkey dog." At five-years-old, Joe is a veteran of shows like this, and his win at the Westminster Dog Show is his 86th (!) time achieving a Best in Show title.

Banana Joe beat out a number of close contenders, including an Old English Sheepdog named Swagger, who gave him a run for his money, but Joe came out on top. His victory marks a fitting end to his five-year career -- this was his final show, and he'll be returning home to the Netherlands to bask in his glorious and well-earned retirement.

Check out some adorable photos of Banana Joe in action below.

Banana Joe
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Banana Joe
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Banana Joe
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Banana Joe
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Banana Joe
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Banana Joe
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Banana Joe
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Banana Joe
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