11 Awesome Examples of Banana Art
The great thing about art is that we can express ourselves in endless ways. Feeling inspired by Grumpy Cat? Paint a detailed portrait of Tardar Sauce-- we won't judge. Or maybe 'Star Wars' gets you all jazzed. Heck, make a Lego scene to reflect those feelings! It's all fun in our books, and we're especially fans of the offbeat type of art, like that of the banana variety.
First, we had no idea a banana could be carved into awesome shapes as seen below. Second, this is one of those weirdly genius ideas that's sort of strange, but we can't help but be mesmerized by it all. Check out 11 of our favorite creations!
Banana Art
Banana Art
Banana Art
Banana Art
Banana Art
Banana Art
Banana Art
Banana Art
Banana Art
Banana Art
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