Cheesetastic VHS Covers
Cheesetastic VHS Covers
Cheesetastic VHS Covers
Listen, we love/hate nothing more than wasting an entire weekend hiding from all of our friends and re-watching 'Bones' on Netflix, and we're grateful to not have to wait for USA to do another 'SVU' marathon, but there are just some things Netflix Instant can't replace.
Zach Braff Uses KickStarter for a Sweet Marriage Proposal
Zach Braff Uses KickStarter for a Sweet Marriage Proposal
Zach Braff Uses KickStarter for a Sweet Marriage Proposal
Regardless of your stance on the Zach Braff Kickstarter debacle, you can't say nothing good came of it. Sure, it may have sent douche chills up your spine to see a millionaire asking for money so he could make exactly the movie he wanted to make, but at the same time, thanks to his awesome Kickstarter rewards, this guy is getting married!
Bieber Bathroom Tantrum
Bieber Bathroom Tantrum
Bieber Bathroom Tantrum
If the pants hadn't already sealed the deal, we can officially confirm it: Justin Bieber is the WORST. Here he is peeing in a mop bucket at a nightclub on his way out because he couldn't be bothered to make a brief restroom detour.
Creative Restaurant Signs
Creative Restaurant Signs
Creative Restaurant Signs
The restaurant biz is super competitive, which is why standing out from every other place is a key compenent to success. Of course a good restaurant should have great food, but first impressions (aka the kind that happen before you even walk into an establishment) are often overlooked. This is where creative signs come into play.
‘Honest’ Take on the Universal Studios Logo Proves Terrifying
‘Honest’ Take on the Universal Studios Logo Proves Terrifying
‘Honest’ Take on the Universal Studios Logo Proves Terrifying
You've watched it a million times, but have you ever actually imagined what would be happening on the Earth depicted in the Universal Studios logo if the word "Universal" actually scrolled around the planet in giant letters the way it does before each of the company's movies? We'd say this video is a pretty good guess.
Stealthy Photobombs
Stealthy Photobombs
Stealthy Photobombs
If you've ever tried to pull off a photobomb, you probably know it's tougher than it looks. Ruining a picture takes a lot of skill, although there are the select few who've already gotten it down. (See: babies, this stingray and Kevin Spacey) But we haven't covered 'em all.
Diagon Alley Joins the Muggle World of Google Maps
Diagon Alley Joins the Muggle World of Google Maps
Diagon Alley Joins the Muggle World of Google Maps
Like many Harry Potter fans, we are convinced that our Hogwarts acceptance letter was hidden away by cruel parents on our 11th birthday, or else it somehow got lost in owl-post. Either way, we've been cruelly denied the opportunity to stroll the famous, cobbled street in order to shop for magical school supplies.
'Derpy' Animals
'Derpy' Animals
'Derpy' Animals
Have you got a case of The Tuesdays? You know, The Tuesdays -- you're not even halfway through the work week and already you're dreading every day until Friday.
Giant Colin Firth
Giant Colin Firth
Giant Colin Firth
A sopping wet Colin Firth might be attractive to some, but an ENORMOUS, fiberglass sopping wet Colin Firth is attractive to nobody. In fact, some people are calling the giant statue of Firth as Mr. Darcy from 'Pride and Prejudice' "unsettling" and "kind of creepy."
Kanye Loves the '90s
Kanye Loves the '90s
Kanye Loves the '90s
Say what you will about Kanye West, the man knows his pop culture. Whether it's nods to movies ("Got super bad chicks givin' me McLovin") or music ("You know how long I been on ya?/Since Prince was on Apollonia..."), Kanye's lyrics contain some pretty clever pop culture riffs amongst all the braggadocio and Louis Vuitton plugs.
Lord of the Beatles?
Lord of the Beatles?
Lord of the Beatles?
Movie history is littered with films that failed to get off the ground, from historical epics to sci-fi thrillers to even a version of 'Lord of the Rings' that would've starred the Fab Four. Some of these films went no further than the conceptual stage, others lost funding and some were derailed by tragedy...

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