Yoda, The World’s Ugliest Dog, Has Died
Yoda, who gained fame as 2011's 'World's Ugliest Dog,' is sadly no longer with us. The Chihuahua and Chinese Crested mix died at the age of 15.
According to her owner Terry Schumacher, Yoda passed away peacefully.
She passed away last night in her sleep. I will miss her funny little ways!," Schumacher wrote in an email to the Hanford Sentinel.
Yoda had beat out 28 other homely contestants to snag the title of ugliest pooch at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Peteluma, CA last year. Schumacher had planned to have Yoda defend her title in 2012.
While Yoda's odd looks eventually gained her acclaim and a $1,000 cash prize, they almost cost her her life. When the 1.8 pound dog was a puppy, she was mistaken for a rat and almost put down. Luckily, Schumacher saw the inner beauty in the mutt and adopted her, naming her Yoda after the crinkly-faced 'Star Wars'' Jedi master. See more photos of this glorious creature below. RIP Yoda!
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