
Demanding Bride's Bridesmaid Email Goes Viral
Demanding Bride's Bridesmaid Email Goes Viral
Demanding Bride's Bridesmaid Email Goes Viral
A bride-to-be whose name hasn't been revealed emailed out a lengthy missive to her ten potential bridesmaids, telling them exactly what would be required of them if they accepted her invitation to be in her wedding party. The demands were so outrageous, causing it to go viral.
10 Flower Girls Who Are Terrible at Their Job
10 Flower Girls Who Are Terrible at Their Job
10 Flower Girls Who Are Terrible at Their Job
To an adult, it seems like the simplest task in the world. But to a small child, walking down an aisle and sprinkling flower petals on the ground is apparently totally terrifying. Here are some videos of little girls who just can't handle the pressure of being flower girl...

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