If you've seen an opening pitch better than this, please let us know. At Jamsil Stadium in Seoul, South Korea, rhythmic gymnast* Shin Soo-ji threw this opening pitch.
At first, the male gymnast "Danikka" appears to be putting us on. He is the only male participant in a gymnastics floor event and the odd gyrations at the beginning of his routine make it seem like he is mocking it all. Then, as 'Hey, Pachuco' from 'The Mask' soundtrack plays, something interesting starts to happen. It turns out Danikka isn't just some prankster. Instead, he has some se
Damien Walters is an incredible athlete, free runner and overall stuntman. If there's one thing he's not, it's fearful. Just watch how he'll backflip off a tall building without any hesitation, or make a clean leap over a moving car. (Just in case you don't realize this after watching the video, none of his stunts should be tried at home.)
Even more so than other things in life, gymnastics is going to be a lot harder when you can't see. But that hasn't stopped legally blind Lola Walters from becoming a star gymnast.
The Olympic Committee may not have any plans to allow robots into the 2012 Summer Games as of yet. But if they have a change of heart, we know at least one robot who will be prepared.
Robot NO.8 Kovacs is a small Japanese robot who has the type of skills on the high bar that even the best gymnasts would envy. While he does need a little help getting onto the bar, once he's up there, his moves can'