‘Rock Band’ Unveils Its Newest Game – A Board Game?!?
Outside of 'Rock Band,' rhythm music video game industry hasn't been able to make the greatest comeback. Harmonix, however, may have found the cure to jump start their resurrection.
The creators of the 'Rock Band' franchise announced their newest entry in the rhythm music video game series. This time, it doesn't require a guitar controller, a set of drums or a mild ability to carry a beat. In fact, it doesn't even require an XBox or a PS3. That's because it's actually a board game.
The details on how to get your hands on one are a little scarce. So far, Harmonix hasn't set a release date on the game or revealed if players can purchase it in installments since it's a little pricey for a sheet of cardboard and some dice. Perhaps that's because it's an April Fool's gag. Still, we'd probably a 'Rock Band' board game. Make it happen, Harmonix!
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