Rich Dude Dons Solid Gold Shirt to Attract the Ladies
Datta Phuge is a wealthy man, but he doesn't like expensive cars or vacations. Instead, the Pimpri, India, man has a passion for gold, and he doesn't feel like hiding it away. After much research, he had a team of 15 goldsmiths make him a shirt of gold, that he apparently plans on wearing around.
The shirt is a sort of chain mail that has been attached to a white velvet shirt. It has six Swarovski buttons. Phuge also got a solid gold belt made, and he's waiting on a cell phone as well. The shirt, the belt, and his more normal bling combine to weigh almost 19 pounds, which is not entirely unlike walking around with this turkey hanging from your neck. Only, you know, the turkey would be made of gold.
Datta Phuge is not afraid of being robbed, because he goes everywhere with bodyguards, and although we're tempted to make fun of the "Gold Man of Pimpri," we've got to hand it to him -- his shirt is tacky but it probably won't depreciate in value, unlike those skinny jeans we bought three years ago.
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