ReviewerCard Lets Businesses Know You’re a Big Deal on Yelp
Thanks to services like Yelp, these days, everyone can be an influential reviewer.
But unlike professional reviewers, who try to remain anonymous, some amateur internet opinionators would like to use their online clout to get better service.
That's where the ReviewerCard comes in. The brain child of entrepreneur Brad Newman, the black plastic card says "I write reviews" with the member's name and an account number. Newman says he got the idea after noticing he would get treated better when he mentioned to businesses he was active on Yelp and TripAdvisor.
To apply for a ReviewerCard, you have to submit links to your review pages. If they are deemed sufficient, you can then purchase the card -- which promises a "lifetime of upgrades" -- for a one-time fee of $100.
"I'm going to review them anyway," Newman told the LA Times. "So why not let them know in advance? It's not hurting anyone."
Others disagree, saying a ReviewerCard is tantamount to a shake down. What do you think? Is telling a restaurant or hotel you are going to post about your experience fair game?
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