10 Returning Soldiers Reuniting With Their Dogs
Veteran's Day is one of the greatest American holiday, because we get to celebrate those who have and are still serving our country. It's one of the greatest sacrifices; these men and women are leaving their loved ones to risk their lives for us. For that, we give them a sincere thank you.Of course being away in such difficult circumstances for months on end is incredibly hard, but there's an upside to it all: coming home. As we've seen with some of the most moving soldier homecomings, reuniting with family and friends after serving overseas has proven to be super sappy and extra heartwarming. We couldn't get enough of the tearjerker moments, and this time it involves adorable dogs.
We hope you have some tissues handy, because these reunions will definitely cue the tears. Check out 10 returning soldiers reuniting with their dogs:
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