Veteran Reporter Has Emotional Breakdown While Covering Oklahoma Tornado
Dozens of people including children were killed after a massive tornado tore a swath of destruction through an area outside Oklahoma City yesterday. In fact, it was such a terrible scene that local KFOR reporter Lance West broke down while reporting the news.
The Emmy-winning newsman was on the scene reporting on how children were being pulled from the rubble of Plaza Towers Elementary School.
"I see a lot of people that are huddled outside the building," said West. "Helicopters are flying in. There's fire and police officers doing door-to-door searches. It is absolute chaos down here."
But then the devastation becomes too much for West to handle. "I've never seen anything like this in my 18 years covering tornadoes here in Oklahoma City," he said, his voice thick with emotion. Eventually, he trails off and is unable to continue.
Still, West rallies and finishes his report, noting that scores of people have turned out to help search for survivors.
Watch the emotional video below.