Man Auctions His Unpaid Parking Ticket Off on eBay
Man Auctions His Unpaid Parking Ticket Off on eBay
Man Auctions His Unpaid Parking Ticket Off on eBay
What is it with people who are trying to get others to clean up their mess? First, there's the woman who is asking the internet to pay her daughter's medical bills after a viral video where she tried to jump off a roof into a pool went horribly wrong. Now comes this brazen fella in Britain.
Sunburn Fails
Sunburn Fails
Sunburn Fails
Recently we've been discussing the best things about summer, like Slip N' Slides and lemonade. OH yes. But with the good obviously comes the bad, and in this case, the really bad. Brace yourself folks, because we've scoped out some pretty awful sunburn fails we never want to experience. Oof.
'Old School' Cast Today
'Old School' Cast Today
'Old School' Cast Today
It's been more than 10 years since 'Old School' hit theaters, so we thought it would be a good time to take a look back at this classic comedy. 'Old School,' about a group of older guys who start a fraternity with outcasts from a local college, is a comedy classic that still holds up today. Let's take a peek at what Vaughn and the rest of the cast looked like back then, and see where they are now.
Rhode Island Mom Goes Berserk and Attacks News Crew
Rhode Island Mom Goes Berserk and Attacks News Crew
Rhode Island Mom Goes Berserk and Attacks News Crew
On Tuesday, an enraged mother in Providence, Rhode Island attacked a news crew when they showed up to interview her about the shooting of her daughter at a graduation party. As a result, she was charged with two counts of felony assault. So much for breaking the cycle of violence.
Cat Burglar
Cat Burglar
Cat Burglar
Earlier this year, a cat was busted for attempting to smuggle escape tools into a prison in Brazil. Apparently the story caught the attention of an inmate in Russia, who recently tried something similar. But, once again, the cat was caught before delivering the contraband. Crime doesn't pay, kitties. When will you learn?
George R. R. Martin Reacts to Fans Reacting to the ‘Game of Thrones’ ‘Red Wedding’ Episode
George R. R. Martin Reacts to Fans Reacting to the ‘Game of Thrones’ ‘Red Wedding’ Episode
George R. R. Martin Reacts to Fans Reacting to the ‘Game of Thrones’ ‘Red Wedding’ Episode
By now you've probably heard about the bloodbath during the most recent episode of 'Game of Thrones' and perhaps even seen the extreme fan reactions on the internet. Well, now author George R. R. Martin has reacted to fans reacting as they watch the infamous "Red Wedding" scene.
Movie Mash-Ups
Movie Mash-Ups
Movie Mash-Ups
It's summer blockbuster time, and this year it's all about sequels, reboots and apocalypse movies, with a few superheroes thrown in for good measure. While this crop of films doesn't contain much that's particularly groundbreaking, we thought there were enough interesting kernels of ideas that we could make some truly spectacular flicks if combined correctly.
Hilarious Breakup Texts
Hilarious Breakup Texts
Hilarious Breakup Texts
It doesn't matter which way we spin it; breaking up stinks. (Unless, of course, you're the breaker-upper, in which case it's like a cause for celebration.) Either way, cutting the relationship cord has gotten a bit easier ever since text messaging hit the scene. As it turns out, break up texts can be hilarious.
The Worst Things Ever
The Worst Things Ever
The Worst Things Ever
Forgive us this bit of hyperbole, but sometimes it doesn't take much to make a day the worst day ever. In fact, it's the little things that are driving us slowly insane. If all of these things happened in one day, just lock us up and THROW AWAY THE KEY BECAUSE WE'RE DONE!
Police Officers Rescue Ducklings for Nervous Mother Duck
Police Officers Rescue Ducklings for Nervous Mother Duck
Police Officers Rescue Ducklings for Nervous Mother Duck
What would you do if you saw a duck pacing back and forth and quacking nervously? (We'd probably be really confused -- what's a duck doing in our living room??) Fortunately, the police and animal control officers in the video above were able to make sense out of the situation, and rescue all of the duck's ducklings, which were trapped in a sewer.
Dads That Almost Happened
Dads That Almost Happened
Dads That Almost Happened
For some of us, movie dads are more like dads to us than our "real" dads. So messing with them is very delicate terrain. Finding out that, say, Warren Beatty was almost Mrs. Doubtfire is like telling us all those Christmas presents from "Dad" were really from Mom -- it's a truth we almost can't handle...

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