Dad's Anti-Drinking and Driving Plea Needs to Be Heard
Dad's Anti-Drinking and Driving Plea Needs to Be Heard
Dad's Anti-Drinking and Driving Plea Needs to Be Heard
We all know you shouldn't drink and drive, but this man makes a VERY personal appeal. In this heartbreaking clip, he urges you not to drink and drive while showing what happened to his daughter, who was hit by a drunk driver in an accident that had far-reaching and multiple consequences...
20 'Kill Bill' Facts You May Not Know
20 'Kill Bill' Facts You May Not Know
20 'Kill Bill' Facts You May Not Know
Did you know 'Kill Bill Vol. 1' has the least amount of F-bombs of any Quentin Tarantino movie? And, that it was the first of Tarantino's movies to have less than 100 "f---s"? This is just one of the juicy bits of information packed into the latest episode of You Think You Know Movies, which focuses on Quentin Tarantino's martial arts revenge epic 'Kill Bill'.

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