Find Out Which of Your Facebook Friends Likes Nickelback
It appears that the anti-fans of rock group Nickeback have reason to be cheering today. There's a new Facebook link floating around that allows you to identify which of your friends "likes" the immensely-detested group on the social network site. As if that weren't enough, technology proves yet again to be a grand service to the human race. After sifting through the users who are fans of the group, it goes so far as to delete them from your Facebook friend list.
Thank God! No more staring at the jock from high school who modeled his hair after Chad Kroeger doing keg stands at his frat house. No more wishing someone would simply take all of the fans and shake the idiocy out of them!
Of course, this link does nothing to shatter the fact that the band has sold well over 50 million albums worldwide. We guess somebody has to like them, huh? Just not us!
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