Got a New Baby? Yes, There’s an App for That
Between feedings, diapers and naps, new parents have a lot to think about. And yes, for all you inquiring tech-savvy parents, there's an app to help track all that. In fact, there are several. The real question, however, is, "Are they worth the download?"
Maybe, maybe not.
If, for example, you have an underweight baby, an app can help you keep feedings regular and provide a record for your pediatrician. Such an app could also help the frazzled mother of a newborn remember when her child last napped.
On the other hand, some users say the apps simply made them neurotic and could lead to the abandonment of common sense. If an app says it's not yet time to change a diaper but the state of the diaper says otherwise, obviously you should trust your instincts.
Bottom line: if it helps to use one of the apps, feel free. Just don't trade its judgment for your own. As pediatrician Gwenn O'Keeffe said, "Kids have been raised by parents without tools like this for generations."
[via CafeMom's The Stir]