Neighbors Stun Nurse With Powerful Musical Performance From the Sidewalk
Katherine Rushfirth is the Associate Chief Midwife at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. She lives with her husband Jared and infant son, Henry. Rushfirth has been on the frontlines caring for patients during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic for weeks. Her neighbors wanted to show their gratitude for her service in these uncertain times.
Rushfirth’s friend, Mo Masterson Santamaria organized a short musical performance to express their appreciation for her. Anna Williams and Mikhail Veselov are the talented performers in the video below. They're a part of the group Neave Trio.
Rushfirth stepped out of her home when she heard string instruments tuning up outside on the sidewalk. She realized what was happening and immediately became emotional. “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen can be heard on the violin and cello, pulling at heartstrings simultaneously.
Peter Cipriano and Coco Alinsug live across the street and captured the entire thing on camera. For these neighbors to come together in this way to celebrate and honor a true hero is incredible. “This is how you socially distance thank a nurse,” writes Cipriano.
Rushfirth thanked everyone for the love on Facebook.
"After some really hard days (and weeks), truly one of the most special moments of my life,” writes Rushfirth. “We will get through this and there are still moments of joy. Thank you everyone!!!"
The video was shared on the PBS American Portrait Facebook page and Mo Masterson Santamaria responded with her gratitude for Rushfirth and others like her.
“Words aren’t big enough; I’m so grateful music could express the magnitude of our gratitude. It’s so humbling to stand behind your door while a new Mom, like Katherine, and her colleagues, goes in to fight for our life- at great risk, every day.”
One commenter, Joanne Orluk, said it best when she stated, “as horrible as this is, it brings out the best in people!” Times of hardship truly bring people together and recognizing those who are doing the most good in the world brings us joy. So, thank you to everyone who has put the health and safety of others before your own. You deserve more than we could ever give you.
READ MORE: Inspiring Stories From the Coronavirus Pandemic
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