Kids Driving You Crazy Over Snacks? Mom Shares Genius Snack Hack
Kids are bottomless pits. Every summer, parents are reminded just how exhausting it can be to provide a constant string of snacks to fill that pit. With so many kids being home during the COVID-19 social distancing, they'll be right there in your face all day long wanting something to eat.
And it never fails -- they opt for the sugary, fattening snacks long before they'd choose a healthy option. But, one Indiana mom shared this genius snack hack for parents who get to stay home with their kiddos for any extended amount of time.
Perri Huddleston posted this to Facebook:
Kids driving you bonkers asking for snacks? I did this with my 4 younger kids for years and it was great. Each week, each child was given $10.00 in play money (with their name written on it) and coins. They had to purchase their snacks with the maximum they were allowed to spend per day being $2.00. Snacks varied.
They learned to budget, practiced their money handling, ate better and for the final part of the plan ... At the end of each week, whatever money they had left - they traded it in to the banker (me) for real money -- which could not be spent on snacks. Snack money ended up buying computers, game boys, vacation souvenirs and all kinds of things.
Here's the list we had:
Fresh Fruit
Fresh Veggies
Fruit Cocktail
Sliced Peaches
50 cents
1 Piece of Toast with Jelly
1 Slice of Cheese
Granola bar- not fudge dipped
Tortilla Peanut Butter Roll Up
75 cents
Hot Dog
Rice Krispy Treat
Whales- 1 small Dixie Cup full
Fudge dipped granola bar
Peanut Butter or Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
5 Cookies
Package of Crackers
1 Airhead
Mini Fruit Pie
Little Debbie Cake
2 Cups Puffed Popcorn
1 Bowl of Chips
Ice Cream Cone with Sherbet
1 Snack Size candy bar
Big Fruit/Pudding Pies
Pop Tarts
Slim Jim
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