Jokes Spread Like Riot Fire on Twitter After Canucks Lose Stanley Cup – Today’s Top Tweets
Jokes at the expense of Canadians spread across the internet with the speed of, well, riot fire, after mobs took to the Vancouver streets following the Canucks Stanley Cup loss to the Boston Bruins.
Mayhem broke out on Vancouver's streets after the Canucks fell 4-0 to the Boston Bruins in Game Seven of the Stanley Cup. Cars were set ablaze, windows were smashed and looters pillaged shops.
Twitter comedians were quick to respond to the very uncharacteristic Canadian behavior, with Today's Top Tweets coming from Conan O'Brien, Michael Pierce, T, Sly, Scotty L., Jason Sweeney, Shari Vanderwerf, Brian Choate, Pax Paxochka and Joe Schmitt.