How often do you actually see this gigantic flying bug that can freak us out initially until we realize it's just a dragonfly doing his or her thing, flittering around, enjoying life.

Oh, and don't worry about them biting you. According to WebMD, they won't bite us however be aware that their jaws can reach our bodies so if we start trying to  antagonize it if we're holding one there could be a reflex reaction.

Anyway, dragonfly decor is everywhere and there's a reason for that. According to the Mind Body Green website, if you keep seeing them then they could be offering you messages about change, transformation, and new beginnings.

Hey, I'll take it. I've seen four so far this summer! I don't recall seeing any last summer.

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But there's even more meanings then just the above.

Black, Blue dragonfly close up SOA deep blue dragonfly sits on the grass dragonfly in nature habitat
Getty Images

However, different cultures encompass different spiritual meanings behind dragonflies with all being positive and something to embrace when you see one, and especially if a dragonfly lands on you.

In Japanese culture, the dragonfly is considered a positive symbol of courage, happiness, and rebirth. In China, dragonflies are directly tied to monetary gain and indicate financial prosperity, good luck, and an improvement in investments. Meanwhile, dragonflies in Indian culture are associated with vision and intuition.

Sounds like we can do with this symbolism what we want, that is if you believe signs. Here are some other meanings.

  • A dead loved one is sending you love
  • Connect and honor what ever emotions you're feeling
  • Take a leap of faith
  • Get out of your comfort zone
  • Seize the day

According to Newsbreak's Green Matters, when you see these iridescent creatures they could also simply be telling you to press pause if you're running ragged.

Whether that means trusting your gut on something that has been gnawing at you or something as simple as setting aside some time for journaling and self-discovery, spotting a dragonfly tells some folks it's time to press pause and reconnect with themselves.

Do with this what you want, even if it just means buying something with a dragonfly on it.

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