Floridians Fall For ‘Onion’ Article About Obama’s 19-Year-Old Son
Most people recognize satire when they see it, but not Floridians. Inboxes and Facebook pages of Florida residents recently received an article by The Onion describing an appearance by President Barack Obama's illegitimate 19-year-old son Luther at the Democratic National Convention. Incredibly, the story sparked a flurry of inquiries as to whether it was real. In case it isn't clear already, no, it's not. Duh. Clearly it's way too hot down there.
The article, which is obviously tongue-in-cheek like every Onion article since its inception way back in 1988, describes Luther as a "shy, slightly overweight teenager, who has lived his entire life with his mother in central Illinois." In addition, it says he "seldom appears in public with the president, with whom he has reportedly shared a somewhat distant and occasionally strained relationship."
But recently, it says, Obama and his son have begun to mend fences and reportedly even shared at hug at the DNC, which caused Luther to "flinch ever so slightly at the physical contact."
Floridians seemed so ready to believe the spoof that the Florida Times-Union actually published a story pointing out it's not true. Their totally unnecessary analysis even included a quote from About.com employee David Emery, who described the absurdity of the situation.
“Think about it. If a heretofore unknown illegitimate son of the president of the United States had been paraded before the delegates of the Democratic National Convention, not to mention the national media, you would have read about it first somewhere other than The Onion,” Emery said.
Just goes to show -- you can't always believe what you read, no matter how much you may want to.
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