School Board Member Spotted Drinking During Virtual Meeting
Someone got a little too comfortable while working at home.
During this age of social distancing, virtual meetings have become very popular. Hop on the webcam from the comfort of your home and get your work done. Looks like the Western Heights school district was doing a virtual meeting for the upcoming school year. Board member Linda Farley is seen during the meeting taking a sip out of a Corona bottle.
Don't get me wrong, I would love to kickback with a couple of beers at the house. I doubt she normally brings a cooler to her in-person meetings. “She’s voting on stuff that has to do with a bunch of money and has to do with our students and has to do with the community,” Western Heights Parent Brianna Dodd told KFOR. “She could possibly be highly intoxicated.”
Linda Farley released the following statement on the incident
To Whom It May Concern:
I first want to apologize to my fellow Board Members and the residents of the Western Heights School District. I made a mistake, and I am sorry if it has caused any embarrassment to our district. I was extremely sick at last night’s board meeting and continue to be sick today. I have been suffering from a severe kidney infection and have been bedbound the last few days. Even though I was in my own home during the meeting, I should have used better judgement. I was only present because we were not sure we had a quorum to conduct business. Nevertheless, I should not have drunk a beer during the meeting in order to flush out my kidneys. In hindsight, I should have remained in bed and skipped the meeting. Again, I am sorry and I can only ask for forgiveness and assure you it will not happen again.
School board President Robert Everman said he would have stopped the meeting if he knew Farley was drunk. So remember, folks -- don't drink on the job. Even if you're working from home. Especially if you're on a webcam where everyone can see you.
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