Doctors Successfully Separate Conjoined Twins
Doctors completed a remarkable operation on Friday.
A medical team at Children's Hospital at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City managed to separate 13-month-old conjoined twins after a 27-hour surgery.
The procedure to separate Anias and Jadon McDonald began Thursday and initially took 16 hours before several more hours working on their skulls.
The procedure was known as craniopagus surgery, a rare event in the medical world. In fact, this one marked the 59th in the last 64 years. Dr. James Goodrich led the surgical team. It was the seventh time he's performed it.
Anias and Jadon's mother kept everyone up to speed on in a Facebook post.
The McDonalds elected to let their boys undergo the surgery despite the risks associated with it, most notably the death or brain damage.
The boys will be incubated for roughly a week. You can help their parents defray some of their medical expenses by donating through their GoFundMe page.