Comfort Dogs Converge on Orlando to Help Shooting Victims
It's not just people who are showing their support in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting.
While the world has not been shy in expressing its sympathy through song or through symbol, tangible assistance is coming to Orlando to help the grief-stricken in the form of our four-legged friends.
Comfort dogs from all over the U.S. are heading to the city to help ease the pain being felt by the victims, their families and the entire region. A dozen dogs and 20 volunteers are set to head to Orlando, courtesy of the Lutheran Church Charities Comfort Dogs, whose travel expenses are taken care of through donations which you can make.
The dogs have been on the scene following several other high-profile acts of violence, including the Sandy Hook shootings and the Boston Marathon bombing.
Take a look at some of the dogs below as they prepared for their journeys.