Special Features

No. 16: Abba – 50 Worst Album Covers
No. 16: Abba – 50 Worst Album Covers
No. 16: Abba – 50 Worst Album Covers
'Gracias Por La Musica' Uh... de nada? This is the official stamp of '70s Swedish pop/rock. If you wanted to get it there yesterday, slap this bad boy on your package. The colorful flight suits could indicate the group's about to take you on a flight to "funkytown," but their demeanor says, "Hey, we're already there -- did you enjoy the trip...
No. 46: Millie Jackson – 50 Worst Album Covers
No. 46: Millie Jackson – 50 Worst Album Covers
No. 46: Millie Jackson – 50 Worst Album Covers
'Back to the S__t!' This 1989 album by soul queen Millie Jackson features the R&B singer sitting on a toilet with a pair of panties down to her ankles, with a strained expression on her face. First of all, girls don't poop. We know this. It...
Bulldog Hand – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Bulldog Hand – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Bulldog Hand – Terrible Dog Tattoos
There are many off-color jokes we could make here about not wanting to know where that Bulldog Hand has been. But instead, we'll take the high road and just say that this proves the old idiom, "a bulldog in the hand equals one lonely dude on Friday night...
Pug Life – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Pug Life – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Pug Life – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Ha ha get it?? "Pug life"? Because "pug" rhymes with "thug"? It's a dog doing hard time! No one has ever thought of that! Oh, wait, everyone who got this tat on the Jersey Shore in 2004 has? Aw, bro. You're stuck with this tat for the rest of your life...
Cat and Dog in Tuxedos – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Cat and Dog in Tuxedos – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Cat and Dog in Tuxedos – Terrible Dog Tattoos
What's that, you say? You find the idea of interspecies marriage cute? Besides the fact that it's a sign of the apocalypse, it's also humiliating for the poor animals. It's bad enough that that dog probably had to pose in a tux for the tattoo artist...
Sad Dog – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Sad Dog – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Sad Dog – Terrible Dog Tattoos
On the one hand, it's not a bad drawing. As a tattoo though, it looks like it was drawn on with Sharpie. Why go through all the pain of getting a tat when it just looks like something your 8th grade girlfriend doodled in Health class?
Dog With Exposed Brain – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Dog With Exposed Brain – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Dog With Exposed Brain – Terrible Dog Tattoos
On first glance, this is a pretty good scary dog tat. But then you look closer, and you realize the poor pup's brain is exposed. Not only is this an unsettling tattoo, it promotes bizarre Frankenstein-esque experiments on harmless unsuspecting pooches...
Pug With a Plunger Gun – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Pug With a Plunger Gun – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Pug With a Plunger Gun – Terrible Dog Tattoos
We can't decide whether this one is terrible or awesome. Dog with a beanie? Who doesn't like that? Dog firing a plunger gun? Fanciful, but we'll go with it. Dog shooting himself in the head with said plunger gun, thus humiliating himself and suggesting he is on the low end of the intelligence spectrum...
Three-Legged Dog – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Three-Legged Dog – Terrible Dog Tattoos
Three-Legged Dog – Terrible Dog Tattoos
This image of a three-legged dog is sad enough. Why you want to wear it on your body for all time is another story entirely. Maybe it was the wearer's dog, maybe they just have a morbid sense of humor. Either way, weird for a tattoo.
Amber Scott — ‘Hook’ Then and Now
Amber Scott — ‘Hook’ Then and Now
Amber Scott — ‘Hook’ Then and Now
Then: Amber Scott played little Maggie Banning -– the only lost girl among the Lost Boys -– in ‘Hook.’ It remains her only movie credit. She also sang (or more likely lip-synced) 'Hook's' Oscar-nominated song 'When You're Alone' live at the 64th Academy Awards...

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