
Kanye Puppy Remix
Kanye Puppy Remix
Kanye Puppy Remix
Whether you love or hate Kanye's new album 'Yeezus' (or haven't heard it yet because it hasn't *technically* been released), you're going to love this track. It's the "I Am a Dog" remix of 'I Am a God.'
Awkward Texts From Dad
Awkward Texts From Dad
Awkward Texts From Dad
Good ol' dad. You wouldn't exist if not for him. But that's not all that makes dads great. Let's not forget their penchant for terrible jokes. Combine that with technology, and you've got some text treasures on your hands. Here's just a smattering of ridiculous dad texts to honor dads for Father's Day.
Iron Man Meets Biggest Fan
Iron Man Meets Biggest Fan
Iron Man Meets Biggest Fan
We'd probably be upset too, if somebody told us we were going to meet Iron Man, and we actually met Robert Downey, Jr. in a polo shirt ... if we were 18 months old, which is why this kid is crying.
Allergy Season Survival Guide
Allergy Season Survival Guide
Allergy Season Survival Guide
Summer is supposed to be a carefree time of sun and fun. But thanks to the insanely high pollen and all kinds of nature wackiness, we've been brought to our knees by out-of-control allergies.
Soccer Fails!
Soccer Fails!
Soccer Fails!
One of the most popular sports around the world, soccer (or should we say, football) is super fun to watch. And any soccer fan knows that the only thing more amusing than a sick goal is an epic soccer fail. Check out some great GIFs of what can only be described as total fails. You've never seen soccer like this before!
The Best High School Memes for New Graduates
The Best High School Memes for New Graduates
The Best High School Memes for New Graduates
The leaves are green, the sun is shining. 'Tis the season of... wait for it... high school graduations. Yes, it's that time of year for the high school boys and girls to enter the real world -- the real world of college, that is. So in honor of school letting out for the summer, we've put together a round up of our favorite high school memes.
Parkour Fail Gifs
Parkour Fail Gifs
Parkour Fail Gifs
If you've never heard of parkour, it's basically when someone jumps and swings and flips on things like brick walls, cement steps and metal railings. Crazy, right? And people only use their superhuman skills to pull off these stunts; no equipment is allowed.
Weird Horse Tweets
Weird Horse Tweets
Weird Horse Tweets
We're not positive when this meme started, but some nincompoop (or nincompoops) had the bright idea of tweeting as top thoroughbred horses on Twitter -- i.e. taking on the personality of the horse and tweeting updates from the apparently 13-year-old girl-esque equine point of view. Frankly, it makes the Bronx Zoo Cobra meme look like Stephen Hawking.
13 Unfortunately Placed Price Tags
13 Unfortunately Placed Price Tags
13 Unfortunately Placed Price Tags
Having done our fair share of time in retail, we're willing to bet these price tag placements were all intentional -- probably done by some poor soul about 10 days away from quitting their job. Doesn't make them not funny.

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