
The Funniest ‘South Park’ Memes on the Web
The Funniest ‘South Park’ Memes on the Web
The Funniest ‘South Park’ Memes on the Web
As you've probably noticed by now, images from the popular TV show 'South Park' often make their way onto the internet in the form of memes. For South Park fans this is great but non-fans need not worry. You don't have to have watched South Park to "get" these memes.
Hipster 'Roseanne'
Hipster 'Roseanne'
Hipster 'Roseanne'
'Roseanne' is arguably one of the greatest sitcoms of all time for a variety of reasons, but a big part of its success can be traced back to the character Jackie Harris. Why? Well for starters, she's a fashion icon.
ASL Rock Star
ASL Rock Star
ASL Rock Star
We've finally figured out our dance move for summer wedding season. We're just going to learn sign language and do animated ASL translations of every song.
Feminist Taylor Swift
Feminist Taylor Swift
Feminist Taylor Swift
Do you secretly love Taylor Swift, but keep your love hidden because liking her lyrics makes you deeply, deeply ashamed? Twitter profile Feminist Taylor Swift is just the thing for you. They just take a Taylor Swift lyric and tack a feminist button onto it.
Prancercise is back!
Prancercise is back!
Prancercise is back!
Everything about John Mayer makes us so conflicted. His music is kind of lame, but he's actually a great guitarist. His music is kind of lame, but look at him without a shirt on. His music is kind of lame, but he has a great sense of humor.
New LEGO Faces
New LEGO Faces
New LEGO Faces
A recent study has shown that the faces of Lego characters are expressing a wider array of emotions than they used to, you know, since they used to only be happy. Anger, confusion, deceptively neutral -- all are making appearances.
Brand Bites Back
Brand Bites Back
Brand Bites Back
Granted, this all probably took place at four in the morning, but the hosts of 'Morning Joe' are going to have to be sharper than this if they want to stand a chance against Russell Brand.
Ridiculous 'Yeezus' Cover Art
Ridiculous 'Yeezus' Cover Art
Ridiculous 'Yeezus' Cover Art
While Kanye West's latest album has leaked, we can still dream about what it's going to look like. Okay, so we do know what it's going to look like, *technically,* but we really don't see why that should stop us from admiring the ridiculous album art attempts of people on the internet who thankfully don't have much else to do with their time.

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