
Hank and Marie Watch Daredevil
Hank and Marie Watch Daredevil
Hank and Marie Watch Daredevil
Last week's thrilling episode of 'Breaking Bad'  featured a jaw-dropping scene where Hank and Marie watch Walt's "confession" video. This naturally inspired a meme where Hank and Marie watch other disturbing footage like Miley's racy VMA performance.
See Miley Cyrus on Classic Hip-Hop Album Covers
See Miley Cyrus on Classic Hip-Hop Album Covers
See Miley Cyrus on Classic Hip-Hop Album Covers
Miley Cyrus is apparently ratchet now, and her attempts at twerking seem to suggest she is really trying to mean it. As we sit back and watch her try to ingratiate herself with the hip-hop community, let's take a moment to think about what could've been if Miley had been around during the '90s and early '00s and discovered rap when some classic albums were released...
Watch 'Star Drunk,' a Movie Made By and Starring Drunk People
Watch 'Star Drunk,' a Movie Made By and Starring Drunk People
Watch 'Star Drunk,' a Movie Made By and Starring Drunk People
A short film called 'Star Drunk' answers a question you didn't know you had: what would a movie look like if it was written by drunk people, directed by a drunk person and starred only drunk actors? Sorry, 'Sharknado.' You no longer hold the title for the most ridiculous movie to come out in 2013.
Miley Cyrus Looked Just Like a Giraffe at the VMAs
Miley Cyrus Looked Just Like a Giraffe at the VMAs
Miley Cyrus Looked Just Like a Giraffe at the VMAs
People are comparing Miley Cyrus' appearance at the VMAs last night to a lot of things -- an uncooked chicken, an old Jim Carey character, naked Hank Hill, etc. But nobody is comparing her to what she really looked like -- a giraffe with its tongue sticking out.
Video Perfectly Captures Life Without a Cell Phone
Video Perfectly Captures Life Without a Cell Phone
Video Perfectly Captures Life Without a Cell Phone
One time two years ago, some skeezebag stole our phone right out of our purse. For three months we were phone-less. So, we feel fairly well qualified to testify that this video, about what it's like to be surrounded by friends with smartphones when you don't have one, is pretty much spot on.
15 Signs Your Pet Is an Introvert
15 Signs Your Pet Is an Introvert
15 Signs Your Pet Is an Introvert
You think you know your pet, but do you *know* your pet? Would you, for example, say your guinea pig is a Betty or a Veronica? What's your iguana's opinion on repealing the Glass-Steagall Act? Most importantly, DO YOU EVEN KNOW YOUR FERRET'S MYERS-BRIGGS PERSONALITY TYPE????!! Is your pet ... an INTROVERT?
Drunk Vs. Stoned Video
Drunk Vs. Stoned Video
Drunk Vs. Stoned Video
Listen we're not experts on science, but this seems like a pretty sound methodology. Get somebody really drunk and give them tests. Then get the same person really high and give them the same tasks. Compare the two results and decide which is better -- alcohol or marijuana. SCIENCE!

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