Young Lady on Roller Coaster Has Freakout to End All FreakoutsYoung Lady on Roller Coaster Has Freakout to End All FreakoutsThis has to be one of the funniest sounds of summer.Staff WriterStaff Writer
'How to Make A Blockbuster Movie Trailer' Is Oscar Caliber Great'How to Make A Blockbuster Movie Trailer' Is Oscar Caliber GreatThis is the tried-and-true formula for every wannabe smash hit.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Anchors Have Major Giggle Fit While Covering Sewage LeakAnchors Have Major Giggle Fit While Covering Sewage LeakSewage leak -- gross, sure. But it's also pretty darned funny.Staff WriterStaff Writer
News Anchor Is Hilariously Disgusted by Adorable Surfing Dog StoryNews Anchor Is Hilariously Disgusted by Adorable Surfing Dog StoryNews anchors often have to do puff pieces, but this guy wants none of it.Drew WeisholtzDrew Weisholtz
Guy Torments Fiancee With Same Horrible Joke Over and OverGuy Torments Fiancee With Same Horrible Joke Over and OverGot enough lame jokes?Drew WeisholtzDrew Weisholtz
July 2017 News Bloopers Is the Laugh Riot You Need Right NowJuly 2017 News Bloopers Is the Laugh Riot You Need Right NowThe news: informing us and entertaining us, without even trying.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Focused Reporter Is Unfazed by Spider Crawling on Her ArmFocused Reporter Is Unfazed by Spider Crawling on Her ArmBreaking news: nothing can stop this woman from doing her job.Drew WeisholtzDrew Weisholtz
Hilarious Video Highlights Differences Between 2007 and 2017Hilarious Video Highlights Differences Between 2007 and 2017Oh, man, have we changed in the last decade.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Woman Taking Selfie Destroys $200,000 Worth of ArtWoman Taking Selfie Destroys $200,000 Worth of ArtMaybe we need to start patrolling selfies.Staff WriterStaff Writer
The Best News Bloopers of 2017 So Far Are Everything and MoreThe Best News Bloopers of 2017 So Far Are Everything and MoreIt's been a banner year for bloopers. And we've still got more than five months to go.Staff WriterStaff Writer
News Anchor Is Sooooo Ticked Off By Technical DifficultiesNews Anchor Is Sooooo Ticked Off By Technical DifficultiesAlways keep your composure.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Girl Taking First Sip of Coke Simply. Cannot. Deal.Girl Taking First Sip of Coke Simply. Cannot. Deal.Can't beat the real thing. Can you?Drew WeisholtzDrew Weisholtz
June 2017 News Bloopers Are the Year's Midpoint of Utter HilarityJune 2017 News Bloopers Are the Year's Midpoint of Utter HilaritySix months of gaffes down, six more to go.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Smart Aleck Kid Mouths Off to Fireworks-Inquiring ReporterSmart Aleck Kid Mouths Off to Fireworks-Inquiring ReporterKids really do say the darnedest things.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Weatherman Predicting Wind Nearly Gets Blown AwayWeatherman Predicting Wind Nearly Gets Blown AwayThis forecast was right on the money.Staff WriterStaff Writer