
Refreshing Sprinkler GIFs
Refreshing Sprinkler GIFs
Refreshing Sprinkler GIFs
Summer will be here before we know it, and you know what that means. Sprinkler season is fast approaching, and obviously the best way to celebrate is by rounding up the greatest sprinkler GIFs on the Web.
New Favorite Meme
New Favorite Meme
New Favorite Meme
Dog and jokes! Dogs and jokes! Good memes happen when you combine dogs and jokes! With that in mind, we proudly bring you the best of the First World Dog Problems meme. These poor dogs -- they think they have it so rough (ruff? Ugh. sorry).
Disney Meets 'Gatsby'
Disney Meets 'Gatsby'
Disney Meets 'Gatsby'
Why watch 'The Great Gatsby' when you could watch 'The Great Catsby'???  We had that same thought, bu Guyism went one step farther and created this mashup using the trailer's audio and clips from 'The Aristocats' to make 'The Great Catsby.'
Great Catsby
Great Catsby
Great Catsby
We know what would solve 'The Great Gatsby's' mixed reviews -- replacing the entire cast with cats! Not that we're blaming the acting, we're just saying it would be a movie of cats in tuxedos drinking at parties. Can you even imagine all the shiny objects they would get distracted by? Cat flappers? Cats driving old-timey cars????  If you're having a hard time imagining all this, we made these post
Winking Animals
Winking Animals
Winking Animals
These animals know what's up. They know your secret. They know you're in on the joke. They know how to close their eyes one at a time. They know how to be adorable. They know how to wink.
Sea Monster
Sea Monster
Sea Monster
If you thought that guy at Coney Island who wants you to pay him five bucks to touch his pet snake was a good reason to stay away from the beach, check out what some people found rotting in the sunshine on the beach in New Zealand!
Cutest Video Ever
Cutest Video Ever
Cutest Video Ever
CalArts student Madeline Sharafian made this to show how meaningful it is to cook for somebody you love. In this case it at least means nobody chops off their fingers because their exhausted.
Sloths in Real Life
Sloths in Real Life
Sloths in Real Life
We love sloths. There's no question. But we can't spend all day looking at them online-- sometimes we have to take a break to order food from Seamless or run a damp sponge over our body. Worse, sometimes we actually have to leave the apartment. To combat this, we've taken sloths and given them everyday jobs, so we can imagine the people we have to talk to are sloths while we're talking to them. Th
Get in Shape With the Anabolic Advice Mallard Meme
Get in Shape With the Anabolic Advice Mallard Meme
Get in Shape With the Anabolic Advice Mallard Meme
We're sure you're familiar with 'Actual Advice Mallard,' the meme that toes the line between funny and just really useful. Well, here's his cousin, 'Anabolic Advice Mallard!' Don't worry, his advice is still very "actual." In fact, for fitness gurus, this meme may be even more relevant...

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