
Animals Annoyed By Humans
Animals Annoyed By Humans
Animals Annoyed By Humans
In case you haven't noticed, us humans are really annoying, especially when it comes to pets. We dress 'em up in embarrassing costumes and bathe them til they hate us and honestly? We can't blame them at all for retaliation.
Tina Fey With Cats -- Your New Favorite Tumblr
Tina Fey With Cats -- Your New Favorite Tumblr
Tina Fey With Cats -- Your New Favorite Tumblr
Chances are you love Tina Fey and cats. Well, this Tumblr is both at once. It stands to reason therefore, that you will double-love Tina Fey With a Cat, because that's how emotions work. It is pictures of Tina Fey, with cats Photoshopped in. Seems pretty simple. It is still a delight, however. Here are a few choice pics:
Here’s a Cat Dressed As a Shark, Riding a Roomba
Here’s a Cat Dressed As a Shark, Riding a Roomba
Here’s a Cat Dressed As a Shark, Riding a Roomba
Since it's Shark Week, here's a video of a cat dressed as a shark riding a Roomba. We know what you're thinking, yes this IS that cat dressed as a shark riding a Roomba that chased that duck around last year. This time, though, there's more awesome SharkCat action to enjoy, so we'll share this video with you.
11 Animals Who Are Over It
11 Animals Who Are Over It
11 Animals Who Are Over It
We all have those days when we're just over it. Maybe you're done with the traffic, bad weather or the fact that nothing can go right today. It happens to the best of us, and animals definitely aren't excluded.
12 Wet Cats Who Probably Hate Their Owners
12 Wet Cats Who Probably Hate Their Owners
12 Wet Cats Who Probably Hate Their Owners
We all know cats are quirky little creatures. For starters, they have a knack for imitating 'Shark Week' and 'The Great Gatsby Catsby'. We're not saying that stuff is weird or anything, it's just that cats always bring an element of hilarity to these sorts of situations. This also includes bath time.
Shark Week Tattoos
Shark Week Tattoos
Shark Week Tattoos
If you're just now emerging from a deep slumber and have no idea what's going on in the world, here's an FYI: one of the greatest weeks of the year is upon us. (Cue the 'Jaws' theme song.) Happy Shark Week, shark fans!
Shark Week Madness
Shark Week Madness
Shark Week Madness
Shark Week is here! Shark Week is here! We can finally stop living like it's Shark Week, because it's actually Shark Week! We're not the only one's who are excited by the prospect -- these animals also seem pretty geared up. (We're going to pretend the costumes were their idea, and not their owners.)

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