British Supervillains Drive Jags in Super Bowl 2014 Commercial
Jaguar has gone all out to bring the Legion of Doom of British villainy together to promote their exclusive line of automobiles. Sure, the Internet might have been in an uproar against the treatment of his Mandarin character in 'Iron Man 3', but he does have a point. And having both Tom Hiddleston (Loki) and Mark Strong (Sinestro) to help remind us that only the classiest, baddest guys on the planet drive Jags does help cement the notion into our brains.
In the commercial, Sir Ben Kingley is in his mansion keeping surveillance on both Hiddleston and Strong as they each take a separate paths towards Kingley's compound. Loki is being flown via helicopter and Sinestro is tearing up the streets of London in a brand new Jaguar. Of course, Mark Strong's Jaguar arrives at Kingley's mansion just before Hiddleston's helicopter does. The arrival of both Mark Strong and Tom Hiddleston results in Kingley rising to meet them, resulting in a sort of standoff between these three Machiavellian masterminds.