When you think of a banana, a clear image comes to mind of a long and yellow, curved fruit. While that certainly is the norm here in the United States, there are actually way more kinds of bananas than we imagined.

You may be wondering "how many different kinds of a banana could there be?" Well, let's just say we're not talking about a handful. Think much bigger.

How Many Kinds of Bananas Are There?

According to BananaLink, a site all about bananas, there are around 1000 varieties of bananas that are subdivided into about 50 groups. They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and even colors.

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Let's take a look at some of those different variations of this beloved fruit.

Delicious and Unusual Banana Varieties From Across the World

This is bananas! Who knew there we're over 1000 different types of this beloved fruit!? Let's take a quick look at some of them.

Gallery Credit: Danielle Kootman

A quick search on social media would uncover even more interesting banana types. This TikToker found a wild banana that's tiny and has crunchy seeds. Weird.

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 More Banana Facts (facts.net):

  • Bananas are part of the berry family.
  • The scientific name for banana is Musa sapientum.
  • They are the only known fruit to help our bodies produce serotonin.
  • You can put bananas in the fridge to slow down the ripening process.
  • If you have an inflamed bug bite, the inside of a banana peel can help relieve itching.

If you're really geeking out on this banana stuff. You may find this short video on the surprising history of the fruit of interest.

LOOK: 15 formerly popular foods in America that are rarely eaten today

Stacker researched the history of popular foods, from Jell-O salads to Salisbury steak, and highlighted 15 that are no longer widely consumed.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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