
This Is the Proper Way to Eat a Hot Dog This July 4th
This Is the Proper Way to Eat a Hot Dog This July 4th
This Is the Proper Way to Eat a Hot Dog This July 4th
Part of what's so great about hot dogs is their simplicity. Take them out of their package, put them on a grill and, boom, everybody's favorite summer comfort food. But using just a skewer and knife, the food wizards at Chow have demonstrated a way to get a lot more out your wiener. See how to make a spiral-cut hot dog below.
Oreo Celebrates Gay Pride With Rainbow-Colored Cookie
Oreo Celebrates Gay Pride With Rainbow-Colored Cookie
Oreo Celebrates Gay Pride With Rainbow-Colored Cookie
Cookie favorite Oreo signaled its support for gay rights this week by posting a picture of its iconic cookie with rainbow-colored cream on Facebook. The photo immediately drew a firestorm of controversy, with some supporting the gay pride image, while others loudly condemned it.
The Great Good Humor Ice Cream Shortage of 2012 Is Upon Us
The Great Good Humor Ice Cream Shortage of 2012 Is Upon Us
The Great Good Humor Ice Cream Shortage of 2012 Is Upon Us
The first day of summer greeted residents of the Northeast with temperatures approaching triple digits. There couldn't be a more perfect time to grab a tasty Good Humor Toasted Almond Bar from the friendly neighborhood ice cream truck. But, alas, there were barely any Toasted Almond Bars to be found. Same for other Good Humor favorites such as Candy Center Crunch and Chocolate Eclair bars. Yes, fo
Deep Fried Cereal Is the Breakfast of Champions
Deep Fried Cereal Is the Breakfast of Champions
Deep Fried Cereal Is the Breakfast of Champions
If one were to draw up the perfect day of junk food eating, it would begin with a sugary cereal and then the fried stuff would be introduced sometime in the early afternoon. But what if we were to tell you that you could combine the sweetness of breakfast cereal and the fatty goodness of the deep fryer in one succulent dish? We just blew your taste buds, didn't we?
10 Mind-Blowing World Champion Eaters
10 Mind-Blowing World Champion Eaters
10 Mind-Blowing World Champion Eaters
Sometimes you go too far, and take one too many extra helpings, letting that third piece of pie do you in. The price you pay could be simply a bulging stomach, which you can alleviate by undoing your belt, or if you’re extremely unlucky, you might be kept up all night with a bad case of heartburn. Would you believe that there are some people out there who actually court these kinds of digestive di
Got a Problem? Rub Some Bacon On It!
Got a Problem? Rub Some Bacon On It!
Got a Problem? Rub Some Bacon On It!
While the all-out worship of bacon went out of style around 2010, the cured meat still remains an internet favorite. In fact, in the latest viral video from Rhett and Link, who brought the world Chuck Testa, the "Commercial Kings" sing about all the virtues of bacon. And we mean all the virtues.
Which Flavors Are Resting In the Ben & Jerry’s Graveyard?
Which Flavors Are Resting In the Ben & Jerry’s Graveyard?
Which Flavors Are Resting In the Ben & Jerry’s Graveyard?
Do remember Makin' Whoopie Pie? You could buy that Ben & Jerry's flavor, which was chocolate ice cream augmented by marshmallows and devil's food cooks, 10 years ago. Unfortunately, the concoction didn't prove popular enough and the Vermont-based ice cream makers laid Makin' Whoopie Pie to rest in 2003. Literally.
10 of the Best (and Oddest) Deep-Fried Foods
10 of the Best (and Oddest) Deep-Fried Foods
10 of the Best (and Oddest) Deep-Fried Foods
There are some foods that we, as human beings, collectively enjoy when deep fried in vats of cooking oil, like crispy chicken and French fries. A lot of these deep-fry choices make pretty good sense, while others are a bit more dubious, and push the bounds of what can actually be called "food." Here's a list of some of the most delicious deep-fried items around, and a few that might make
Tim Burton Cake Is Both Delicious and a Special Effect
Tim Burton Cake Is Both Delicious and a Special Effect
Tim Burton Cake Is Both Delicious and a Special Effect
Alexandre Dubosc is a French animator and director with a deep love of Tim Burton. And also baked goods, if this video he made is any indication. Because he didn't just put together a delicious chocolate cake as a tribute to Tim Burton...he made it into a zoetrope.
The 10 Grossest Things People Found in Their Food
The 10 Grossest Things People Found in Their Food
The 10 Grossest Things People Found in Their Food
Last week, a kid in Michigan ordered a roast beef sandwich from a local Arby’s and got the surprise of his life when he took a big bite out of it and discovered a piece of a human finger bouncing around his mouth. The truly horrifying fact is that it’s far from the first time this kind of thing has happened. Here are some other equally disgusting things that have been found in restaurant food or e
10 Strange Ice Cream Flavors For Summer
10 Strange Ice Cream Flavors For Summer
10 Strange Ice Cream Flavors For Summer
When the weather gets warmer, and you head out into the sun, you're bound to eat a whole lot of ice cream. Of course, you could choose from the traditional flavors, like vanilla, chocolate, pistachio and rocky road. But why not try something a little different?
Sugar Is Making You Stupid
Sugar Is Making You Stupid
Sugar Is Making You Stupid
We all know that sugar can make you fat. But we eat it anyway because it's really good. So what if we were to tell you sugar can also make you dumb? Would you put down your Big Gulp and step away from your Snickers?

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