
Adorable Baby Loves Getting Sloppy Kisses From Cute Bulldog
Adorable Baby Loves Getting Sloppy Kisses From Cute Bulldog
Adorable Baby Loves Getting Sloppy Kisses From Cute Bulldog
Getting his ear and hair licked by Giant, the family bulldog, brings baby George much laughter and delight. In fact, when Gaint stops the licking George begins to rub his face against the pooch in hopes that it will initiate another session of slobbering. Too bad the pup has clearly had enough. Maybe next time, kid.
Curious Cows Meet a Friendly Dog
Curious Cows Meet a Friendly Dog
Curious Cows Meet a Friendly Dog
Despite what you may think of cows, they don't just stand around all day and mindlessly chew their cud. At times, they can be pretty inquisitive, like in this video where they curiously inspect a dog.
Yorkshire Puppy Leads Police on a Highway Chase
Yorkshire Puppy Leads Police on a Highway Chase
Yorkshire Puppy Leads Police on a Highway Chase
This little Yorkshire terrier jumped out the window of his owner's car, after it was involved in a minor traffic accident. If that weren't bad enough, the pup started running loose on a busy highway. The police were eventually able to corral the pup, but not before his elusiveness made for quite the keystone cops routine.
15 Adorable Snoring Animals
15 Adorable Snoring Animals
15 Adorable Snoring Animals
Somewhere along the way, February 28th was declared Public Sleeping Day. There is no record of what tired person made this so, but the fact is that it's a day. A day when you can go out and sleep in public, if you dare.
10 Awesome Animals Walking On Two Legs
10 Awesome Animals Walking On Two Legs
10 Awesome Animals Walking On Two Legs
The ability to walk upright is one of many things that set humans apart in the animal kingdom, but when it comes to evolution perhaps our four-legged friends aren't as far behind us as we may have thought.
Uggie the Dog Vs. Angelina Jolie’s Leg – Who Was the Bigger 2012 Oscars Star?
Uggie the Dog Vs. Angelina Jolie’s Leg – Who Was the Bigger 2012 Oscars Star?
Uggie the Dog Vs. Angelina Jolie’s Leg – Who Was the Bigger 2012 Oscars Star?
The 2012 Oscars have come and gone, and two breakout stars have clearly emerged. No, we're not referring to Jean Dujardin and Jennifer Lopez's nipple. We are of course talking about Uggie, the adorable Jack Russell terrier who was the true star of Best Picture winner 'The Artist,' and the almighty leg of Angelina Jolie.
Triumph The Insult Comic Dog Crashes The Golden Collar Awards
Triumph The Insult Comic Dog Crashes The Golden Collar Awards
Triumph The Insult Comic Dog Crashes The Golden Collar Awards
It's been overshadowed by all the Oscar hype, but another pretty important awards show went down recently in Hollywood. That would be the first annual Golden Collar Awards, which honors canine achievement in TV and Film. In what came as a huge surprise, the irascible 'Conan' puppet Triumph The Insult Comic Dog was not nominated in any category. Which just gave  Triumph an excuse to do what he does
10 Cute Dogs Who Will Do Anything for Treats
10 Cute Dogs Who Will Do Anything for Treats
10 Cute Dogs Who Will Do Anything for Treats
For some mysterious reason, February 23rd is known as International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day. It seems likely that dogs managed to get a hold of a calendar somewhere and decided to mark this day, so to speak, in order to get more treats. Clever pups.

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