British Supervillains Drive Jags in Super Bowl Commercial
British Supervillains Drive Jags in Super Bowl Commercial
British Supervillains Drive Jags in Super Bowl Commercial
We agree with Sir Ben Kingley's sentiment in this Jaguar Super Bowl 2014 commercial that British actors are always being typecast as villains in Hollywood. Luckily, he's brought two other British actors who are also synonymous for playing villains to help prove a point -- that British supervillains are always classy and sophisticated. And what would such classy bad guys do besides ride in private
'melrose' cast today
'melrose' cast today
'melrose' cast today
In 1992, 'Melrose Place,' the second series in the 'Beverly Hills 90210' franchise, debuted on Fox's Thursday night lineup. 'Melrose Place' was more adult and became much sleazier than the posh L.A. cousin that birthed it, and featured some pretty out-there plot lines...
CarMax's Super Bowl Commercial is for the Dogs
CarMax's Super Bowl Commercial is for the Dogs
CarMax's Super Bowl Commercial is for the Dogs
CarMax might have earned an epic slow clap from all the people they've ever given a good deal on a used car, but for this Super Bowl 2014 commercial they also have received a slow bark. That's right, CarMax parodies their own Super Bowl 2014 commercial by reenacting their same exact commercial with puppies instead of actors.

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