Weird News

Peter Cullen Explains Where He Got the Voice for Optimus Prime
Peter Cullen Explains Where He Got the Voice for Optimus Prime
Peter Cullen Explains Where He Got the Voice for Optimus Prime
Voice actor Peter Cullen has provided the voice for the leader of the Autobots for more than 25 years. His booming, deep tones have become so engrained with Optimus Prime and the 'Transformers' franchise that it's hard to imagine it going on without him behind the mic. So where exactly did that commanding voice come from?
Time Warner Cable Makes Patrick Stewart Boldly Go Crazy
Time Warner Cable Makes Patrick Stewart Boldly Go Crazy
Time Warner Cable Makes Patrick Stewart Boldly Go Crazy
When it comes to good customer service from Time Warner Cable, even the great Patrick Stewart, aka Captain Picard, can't make it so. Apparently after 36 hours of trying to set up an account with the infamous cable provider, Stewart (who recently moved to Brooklyn) was left with no recourse but to tweet to the world that he'd lost the will to live.
Meet Zeus, The World’s Tallest Dog
Meet Zeus, The World’s Tallest Dog
Meet Zeus, The World’s Tallest Dog
Most dogs deserve the name they end up with. A dog that’s named Scruffy is usually pretty scruffy. Canines named "Killer" are… well, let’s just say you might want to watch out for your fingers when you’re around one of these ferocious pups. And of course a dog named after a Greek god, like Zeus, is probably going to be pretty impressive. Zeus, a three-year-old Great Dane living in Michig
Mom Fined After Two-Year-Old Pees on Sidewalk
Mom Fined After Two-Year-Old Pees on Sidewalk
Mom Fined After Two-Year-Old Pees on Sidewalk
We aren't born potty trained. That's certainly something any parent will be quick to tell you. So when Caroline Robboy was shopping with her two-year-old son Nathaniel in downtown Philadelphia and he said he needed to pee, she realized she might have problem. Especially since the store they were in wouldn't allow him to use their bathroom.
Dustin Pedroia Leaves Baseball Game After Learning Wife Was In Labor
Dustin Pedroia Leaves Baseball Game After Learning Wife Was In Labor
Dustin Pedroia Leaves Baseball Game After Learning Wife Was In Labor
When Boston Red Sox fans saw Dustin Pedroia leave the field mid-game after a discussion with Bobby Valentine, they were probably thinking the worst. A dust up between the team's manager and star second baseman would be an unpleasant capper to a season full of clubhouse chemistry problems and losing. But, when you watch the video of their on-field conversation, you'll notice that Pedroia and Valent
Woman Snaps Up Renoir Painting for $7 at Flea Market
Woman Snaps Up Renoir Painting for $7 at Flea Market
Woman Snaps Up Renoir Painting for $7 at Flea Market
There are bargains out there, and then there are bargains out there. A woman in Virginia discovered just how far her negotiating skills could get her when she unwittingly snapped up an authentic Renoir painting at a flea market. How much did she pay for this masterpiece, valued at potentially $100,000? Seven dollars ... seriously.
World’s Tallest Mohawk Found
World’s Tallest Mohawk Found
World’s Tallest Mohawk Found
Can you imagine making use of three cans of hair spray every day? Kazuhiro Watanabe, a funky fashion designer from Japan sure can. To be honest, this guy doesn’t put that much product in his hair every single day, but when Guinness World Records gives him a call, and asks him to get ready for a photo shoot, he’s on the job, reading to show off his spectacular Mohawk.
The 10 Strangest Islands in the World
The 10 Strangest Islands in the World
The 10 Strangest Islands in the World
Lots of folks are up from a romantic island getaway filled with sand, sun and fun. Who wouldn’t be? Even so, there are plenty of island destinations that offer up some pretty bizarre and unique experiences, which contrast strongly with a typical island beach holiday.
‘Chalk Warfare’ Is Back For More Skillfully Drawn Mayhem
‘Chalk Warfare’ Is Back For More Skillfully Drawn Mayhem
‘Chalk Warfare’ Is Back For More Skillfully Drawn Mayhem
Earlier this year, special effects experts SoKrispyMedia scored a viral hit with Chalk Warfare. The concept is that combatants literally draw their weapons -- like a machine gun or a rocket launcher -- out of chalk, and then start firing away. Like any successful action hit Chalk Warfare begs a sequel, and SoKrispyMediaa has just released a follow up video.

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