
Who Twitter Thinks Should Play Batman Instead of Ben Affleck
Who Twitter Thinks Should Play Batman Instead of Ben Affleck
Who Twitter Thinks Should Play Batman Instead of Ben Affleck
Wow, people are upset that Ben Affleck is going to be the next Batman. Like, really upset. It's almost like this somehow simultaneously affects them personally (it doesn't), and they have nothing else in their lives to worry about (we're jealous). They may be upset about it, but at least some folks have a sense of humor about it. Here are some choice tweets on the subject.
15 Dogs Who Are So Ready For Fall
15 Dogs Who Are So Ready For Fall
15 Dogs Who Are So Ready For Fall
With Labor Day just over a week away, it's time to face the facts-- summer is coming to an end way too soon. But even though we won't be able to wipe out on Slip n' Slides too much longer, there are still tons of awesome things we can look foward to in the Fall, and apparently dogs are so ready for it.
10 Signs You're From Fraggle Rock
10 Signs You're From Fraggle Rock
10 Signs You're From Fraggle Rock
Do you enjoy dancing your cares away? Do you find yourself singing at the slightest provocation? Do the sounds of construction get your mouth watering? All of these and the ten qualities below are signs that you may have grown up in the fun-filled land of Fraggle Rock...
10 Adorable Puppies On the Attack
10 Adorable Puppies On the Attack
10 Adorable Puppies On the Attack
Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, stop. We're about to make your day a whole lot better, although we can't really take ownership over the adorableness that's about to ensue-- this one's all on the animals. Are you ready? It's puppy attack time!
13 Koalas That Will Make Your Week Way Cuter
13 Koalas That Will Make Your Week Way Cuter
13 Koalas That Will Make Your Week Way Cuter
It's times like these when we're really jealous of our friends Down Under, because how awesome would it be to have native koalas casually roaming around? Answer: almost as awesome as it would be not awesome to be stung by one of those insta-kill jellyfish they've got down there.
15 Back-to-School Sales That Guarantee an Awesome Semester
15 Back-to-School Sales That Guarantee an Awesome Semester
15 Back-to-School Sales That Guarantee an Awesome Semester
It's time to head back to school...did you get all your supplies? You know, the knives and fake severed feet and pregnancy tests? These back-to-school specials are clearly for people who know how to live (or at least how to drink too much and make questionable decisions due to impaired judgment).
14 Scientifically* Proven Ways to Get Happy Instantly
14 Scientifically* Proven Ways to Get Happy Instantly
14 Scientifically* Proven Ways to Get Happy Instantly
That's right it's been scientifically* proven that looking at these GIFs will instantly make you happy. Sometimes all you need to feel better is a baby penguin in a hat or a wink from Gene Wilder -- that is a scientific* fact. We thought we'd put a whole bunch together to brighten your day. Science* ... we love it!
10 Unfortunate Bowling Fails
10 Unfortunate Bowling Fails
10 Unfortunate Bowling Fails
Bowling is like a right of passage; you've gotta wear those extra smelly shoes at least once in your life. Ya know, for the semi-gross experience. Not to mention the actual game is pretty fun, too. The thing is, it's also very fail prone. But we ain't complaining!

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